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What is Safeguarding?

All schools have a legal and moral responsibility to ensure they are fully committed to the safeguarding of those that attend and do everything in their power to support the welfare of them and their families.  At North Wootton Academy, there is no greater responsibility and it is expected that all staff, volunteers and any other adult that enters the building, contribute towards a school culture that places safeguarding at its centre. As a result, all adults are trained annually to continually monitor the welfare of all of our pupils and point the safeguarding team towards any areas of concern, no matter how small these may be.

Much of the school's safeguarding practice is outlined through a policy that can be found within the policy section of this site. However, in reality our actions extend way beyond this and impacts almost all areas of the school:

Of course, our role in safeguarding does not stop at the school gates and there are times where we may need to share information and work in partnership with other child-based agencies. However, this is really only a small aspect of the safeguarding that takes place in school when the concern for the child and family is beyond the capabilities of the school to support. Our first step will always be to contact the family first to discuss the issue and further conversations will certainly not take place without parental consent unless there is an imminent and serious risk in the home. In the vast majority of cases therefore, a member of the safeguarding team will ask to speak to parents about a matter of concern to gain some context and offer some support. 

One final aspect of the safeguarding requirement is in the support of the government’s Prevent Agenda to counter radicalism and extremism. Again, this is not a common part of our everyday role but very much a key aspect of our legal duty.

Who are the Safeguarding Team?

All schools must have a Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSLs)on the school site or contactable at all times. North Wootton Academy has a number of DSLs and Deputy DSL who work together to ensure we take the correct approach to any area of concern. The team meets every few weeks to review all actions that have been taken by its members.

Mr James Grimsby 

  • Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)
  • Family Support Practitioner
  • Safer recruitment       


Mrs Saddleton

  • Deputy DSL
  • Family Support Practitioner
  • Looked After Children Lead
  • Previously Looked After Children Lead .     

Mrs Graham

  • Deputy DSL 
  • Domestic Abuse Change Champion
  • Mental Health Champion 
  • Safer Recruitment 
  • Attendance Lead

Miss Broughton

  • Deputy DSL
  • Conkers - Reception Class Teacher


Supporting Members

In addition, three other members of staff support the safeguarding team to ensure that we have a multifaceted approach to support pupils and families in this area. All play a different role dependant upon the concern and how the school feels that they can best help.

Mr Blackmur

  • Online Safety Lead

Miss Buschman

  • Behaviour Lead
  • Pastoral Lead

Mrs Barnes

  • Mental Health Champion
  • Emotional Support Learning Assistant
Governance and Oversight

EMAT provide much of the oversight of the work of the school's safeguarding team with monthly reports and an annual external review. In addition, the school has a Safeguarding Governor - Clare Smith - on the Academy Council who completes a termly review of school practice with the Principal.