'Teamwork makes the dream work'
Beyond just an acronym for the school value, the idea of TEAMWORK is central to our mission of North Wootton Academy.
We strongly believe in the power of promoting collaboration and cooperation amongst our pupils, and see that providing them with a range of opportunities where they can work positively with other towards a shared goal is key in developing a happy child. Moreover, we try to ensure that all of our pupils can find a way to contribute to the school in some way and enjoy the feeling of contributing to our team.
Anti-Bullying Ambassadors
Six of our Wellbeing Team have been trained by The Diana Award and are now fully fledged Anti-Bullying Ambassadors.
The Diana Award was founded on Diana, Princess of Wales’ belief that young people have the power to change their community, their country and the world.
Our Anti-Bullying Ambassadors are now empowered to make a pupil led difference in our school, raise awareness and help maintain a zero tolerance when it comes to bullying.
They are currently working on their RESPECT campaign across the whole school. This will involve them leading assemblies to promote acceptance and tolerance of all individuals both in school and out in our wider community. This reinforces the R in our TEAMWORK Values and promotes our existing pupil led Restorative Justice during which pupils are encouraged to understand the feelings of others as a result of their actions.
North Wootton Academy has been awarded the Diana Award Inclusion Badge, formerly known as the Respect badge, with our Anti-Bullying Ambassadors leading the way across the school and community to champion diversity and inclusion and promoting equal rights for the nine protected characteristics.
We were particularly commended for demonstrating:
A passion for restorative justice and the importance of having these conversations in relation to being an upstander against all types of bullying behaviour using scenarios to model appropriate responses.
A dedication to underrepresented communities such as refugees and also, a celebration of different heritages.
Creativity, through different mediums, such as books, presentations, events and competitions which touch diverse backgrounds and communities.
Inclusivity and respect for others, including their differences, and advocating for diversity. Odd Socks day and Open-mindedness Day are examples of this.
Wellbeing Team
Wellbeing Award
We are so very proud to announce that our school has received the Wellbeing Award from The Diana Trust following the hard work of our Anti-Bullying Ambassadors supported by our Wellbeing Team. Their hard work has increased happiness in school. Happy children leads to happy learners!
Our School Wellbeing Team is one of the many ways that our school promotes the 'Kindness' in our TEAMWORK School Values. Pupils in each class have a silent vote to vote in the peer pupil that they believe will look out for them and help promote respect and kindness so everyone feels safe, gets along and can be happy. The chosen child then meets with an adult to ensure they understand the role and that they are happy to accept it. All School Wellbeing Team members meet regularly with an adult to feedback how everyone is getting on and discuss their ideas about Wellbeing generally. They have received extra training in Restorative Justice and are integral to our zero-tolerance approach to bullying. Their role continues to be increasingly important as they introduce various campaigns with adults to promote both physical and mental health for everyone in our school community.
Young Carers
West Norfolk Carers
Through our TEAMWORK values at North Wootton Academy, we learn to be kind and respectful to all. As a part of this, we spread awareness of groups of people who we can support just by being kind. One of these is Young Carers, which has been highlighted in the media recently.
We are raising awareness of children and young people aged under 18 who help care for a parent or sibling through our phase assemblies and Personal, Social, Health and Emotional learning. We know that children who may have these additional responsibilities may find times at school tricky. Throughout the year we will continue to raise awareness by fundraising, talking in class and through our assemblies.
Together with Miss Buschman and Mrs Barnes, Miss Broughton is working on raising the profile of Young Carers in our Academy. We can signpost children and families to additional support, so if you feel your child may be a Young Carer, then please feel free to contact the school.
School Parliament
September 2022 saw the start of our new North Wootton Academy School Parliament. Part of our school vision is to educate and empower our pupils to be the future 'Leaders for Lynn'. Our school TEAMWORK values underpin this and within them are the embedded and inseparable British Values. Class Members of Parliament present their manifestos and are voted in by their class peers. They regularly meet as a School Parliament to feedback issues raised in their class debates. These pupil-led ideas are then put to the adults of our school. Together, pupils and adults work hard to make our school even better in a responsive and democratic manner.
Community Service
Each year, the school choir visits our local care home, Wyndham house, to sing Christmas Carols to the residence. In December 2022, the school choir sang at All Saints Church Christmas concert, in aid of raising funds for the church and Trues Yard.
Throughout the year, our Eco-Warriors litter pick at Wootton Park
The Eco-Warriors also designed and displayed posters around the park.
Both the Gardening and Eco Committees helped the local parish council and Rotary clubs plant nine new trees along Wootton park - they were fantastic and should be really proud of their work. We hope to go back in the summer and help water them through the warmer months.
House and Vice Captains took our school donations to the Food Bank. As well helping to sort the food and check expiry dates, they learnt about why this is such an important place helping people in our local community. Our donations will make packs of food lasting 3 days for at least 27 people.
Sports Leaders
Sports Leaders at North Wootton are responsible for encouraging children to be active at playtimes, playing and teaching new games to younger children, liaising between their class and the committee, as well as sharing ideas for activities and equipment.
Digital Leaders
The Digital Leaders are responsible for the promotion of Online Safety within the Academy. The members research the latest trends in Online Safety and identify any potential threats to our children, which we can then share with the parents through our social media page and news letter.
Our Year 4 librarians all wrote letters to be chosen for this very important role of looking after our school library. They work tirelessly to keep it tidy and regularly feedback their ideas as to how we can make it even better.
Student Leadership
The House Captains within North Wootton Academy are selected by their peers as the children who greatly demonstrate our school TEAMWORK values. These children are given extra roles and responsibilities throughout the academic year: visiting the local food bank; holding whole school assemblies; interviewing prospective employees and participating in the school parliament. The House Captains are expected to be role models for their peers in terms of behaviour, work ethic and encouraging the use of Restorative Justice.
Blue - Bouddica
Yellow - Cavell
Red - Vancouver
Green - Nelson
Inter-School Sports
The school believes that sports is an extremely important way in which to represent the school and develop a sense of pride. We are fortunate that there are normally a range of opportunities for inter-school sports within the county in which we try to fully participate.
At the higher levels, this tends to be around cross country, athletics, tennis, rugby and football. In recent years, the school has been very successful attending regional and county finals in all areas. These events take place within the school day with the aim of providing as much competitive opportunities as possible.
Recently, competitive teams have also been entered into a range of mini-competitions for Years 3 and 4. Whilst these do not lead on to regional and county finals, this has been a great opportunity for pupils to experience playing in a school team.
Whilst we do believe those with a talent for sport should be given opportunities to compete, our overall aim to get all of our pupils active and therefore a final set of inter-school events that we participate in are the 'Omnes Games'. Omnes means 'for all' and therefore, these inter-school events focus purely upon unusual sports such as tri-golf or speed-stacking so that pupils can be chosen based upon their attitude and effort rather than an underlying ability. The events are run as festivals, so no scores and results are recorded. It is all about the children enjoying representing the school and discovering a new sport.